The above phrase quite rightly summarizes the quandary innumerable students all across India find themselves in while preparing for IIT-JEE/AIEEE examinations. Most students who embark on IIT-JEE preparation often ask themselves the question: how long should I study for IIT-JEE each day. And the clichd response they get each time is: the more the better. However in reality, if you need to keep in mind that only those students succeed who manage to balance all aspects of their life together.
Before I delve deeper into the debate on the number of hours to be put for IIT-JEE preparation, let me give you a brief overview of the exam first. IIT-JEE refers to the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) conducted by all the seven IITs and a few affiliated institutions that consider JEE scores for admission. In the present edition of JEE, there will be two question papers, each of three hours duration. Both question papers would consist of three separate sections in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Questions in these papers will be of objective type, which are to be answered on a specially designed machine-gradable sheet (ORS Optical Response Sheet) using HB pencils only. Incorrect answers carry negative marks.
Moreover, as an engineering aspirant, you need to keep in mind that each year more than 4 lakh students prepare for IIT-JEE out of which only 7000 get selected. Since a student gets only two chances (first time in class XII and one after that) to take the JEE, it is imperative that you get through in your first attempt by adopting a systematic approach.
Those who observe the IIT-JEE test preparation market in India quite closely would tell you that half of the students usually give-up on their IIT-JEE preparations mid-way as they only rely on written materials and books for their preparation. Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics are subjects that appear as dry and pedantic to a large section of the students and certain complex concepts appear incomprehensible at times. I personally have seen many students quit the science stream altogether as they are unable to sustain their interest in the science subjects. But the scenario has changed for the better. Some institutes have solved this problem by offering subject wise DVDs that explain each chapter in detail through 3D animations, real life illustrations and laboratory demonstrations that prove immensely useful for IIT-JEE preparation.
These moving videos leave an indelible impact on the minds of students and they help students remember the finer aspects of a concept for life through these DVDs. If you feel the need for more personalized guidance for IIT-JEE then these DVDs would surely help you and there is no harm in trying them out since you have already spent a lot of money on availing expensive training from a coaching institute. Who knows, these DVDs may prove to be your visa to IIT.