You are a busy person and you are wondering how to learn Hindi. Learning a language takes a lot of time and effort. It also takes resources. You’ve set learning Hindi as a goal but you’re not sure how to reach it. Relax. Here are some tips for using good study habits to succeed. This is how to learn Hindi.
First of all, remember that you learn best a little at a time. You will learn more if you study for 30 minutes five times a week than you will if you sit down and spend three hours on Hindi at one time. Break it down even farther, if you can. Spend twenty minutes studying new material at some point in the day and ten minutes reviewing the same material later the same day. In fact, try to squeeze in that ten-minute review session right before bed. Your brain will process it while you sleep and you will learn better.
Secondly, remember to stay balanced in your approach to the language. Spend time on spoken Hindi as well as on reading and writing. Practice the conversations presented in your audio files, but don’t forget to drill yourself on the verb forms and on vocabulary. You don’t have to do it all every day, but over the course of a week, you should be sure to study all parts of your Hindi course. This is the best way how to learn Hindi comprehensively.
Thirdly, focus on things that give you problems. Study them until you learn them. Then they won’t be problems anymore. For example, do you have trouble with a particular verb conjugation? Do you frequently confuse a couple of vocabulary words that are something alike but just a little different? Are there a couple of letters of the alphabet that you get mixed up? All the time? Isolate those problems and learn them. It will make the rest of your study efforts so much easier.
Fourthly, do your work cheerfully. A good attitude will take you far in most aspects of life and learning Hindi is one of them. Take pleasure in learning that beautiful Devanagari script. Enjoy the conversations you learn. Be excited to learn about the cultural and historical background of India and the Hindi language. It’s fun. It’s a privilege to be able to dedicate yourself to it. Enjoy it as much as you can.
Fifthly, recognize your accomplishments and reward yourself for your success. Learning Hindi is fun and exciting, but requires dedication and work. Congratulate yourself for the effort you make. Every time you finish a lesson or a unit, every quiz you take, and every conversation you have with another student is a milestone on your path to your goal of speaking Hindi. So rent a Bollywood movie or take yourself out to your favorite Indian restaurant every time you pass one.
You’ve set yourself the goal of learning Hindi and you are working towards it. Congratulations! Isn’t it fun? Keep it up. You are discovering how to learn Hindi.