Case Study 1:

Pacific Mall, Baisakhi Celebrations, Mall events & festivities

Building on the proclivity of Indians to buy on auspicious and festivals, we aimed to capitalize on Baisakhi, a major festival in North India, celebrated with pomp and gaiety by the Sikhs. Weeks of careful planning went into organizing mall events and festivities for Pacific Mall to give a fresh, vibrant, colorful spring theme to decorations.

We planned and implemented songs, dances, interactive, participative shows in a festive atmosphere along with special promotions with incentives. We took measures to publicize the events, making it a point to invite the public with the lure of prizes and a chance to meet celebrities. The scheme succeeded, drawing in huge crowds throughout the day, resulting in bumper sales, heightened awareness of Pacific Mall as the best place to shop and an increase in customer loyalty.

Case Study 2:

Johnson & Johnson, Women for Change, Mall & Market Activation
In the case of boosting awareness and demand for Johnson & Johnson Stayfree products for women at mall outlets, we synchronized and coordinated a themed event “Women For Change”. Timing, subject matter, choice of presenters, inclusion of celebrities and successful businesswomen, a chance for women to walk in and discuss their issues with health care professionals, all featured on the agenda.

Publicity through various media gave exposure and heightened anticipation, offering prizes and free gifts as a lure to get women to attend. On the activation day women who walked in were additionally offered incentives to buy and rewards for loyalty to ensure they continued to make purchases from malls in future. The outcome of the planning was a day of outstanding success with far reaching impact for the future. Malls and shops where the activation event was held simultaneously reported increase in offtake of Stayfree, with a number of women switching to this brand from others.

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Case Study 3:

Cadbury Oreo, Twist Lick and Dunk, Mall and Market Activations
Entering a highly competitive segment with established players holding an edge, it was a challenge to take on the task for mall and market activations for Cadbury Oreo, a premium international biscuit range. A number of local malls and leading shops were roped in during the planning process, space earmarked for the activation programme. The target in mind was children and home makers.

We created a theme and campaign based on their mindset and preferences but with a unique twist to encourage experimentation with a new brand and adapt it in their daily consumption pattern. Stall and counter decorations reflected Oreo packaging theme and colors and children were invited twist, lick and dunk the biscuit along with milk provided free to all visitors. The activation also had appropriate magic and entertainment shows, prizes and giveaways along with incentives to ensure repeat purchases with reductions on bulk purchases. The event raised awareness and resulted in higher offtake of the Oreo brand across malls.

Case study 4:

Magic Holidays, Painting Competition, Mall & Market Activations
The holiday season was considered apt to launch a campaign to get more children and families into malls and thus indirectly induce them to spend more. The point was to get families to spend extended time in a mall, make purchases, sample food and drinks at various counters.

A Painting Competition was considered a good idea and after careful organization publicity campaign through various local media gave maximum exposure with a huge number of children registering for the event. Coordinators on the spot handled children flawlessly, gave out paints, paper and bruses and kicked off the event. Prizes were given away after judging by a selected panel of local public personalities.

The event had free giveaways, incentives for registering for regular purchases and similar schemes that would ensure people kept on returning. The outcome was a positive and favourable impact in the minds of participants and families, with a number of them becoming regular visitors and buyers.