The California Civil Service Exam Study Secrets

If you are sitting for the California Civil Service Exam, you most likely have a particular job that you are interested in. There is nothing more important than properly preparing for a test when a job is on the line. Therefore, you should take the time to study for the test. Studying will help to ensure that you will be the one selected for employment and not someone else.

There are several secrets to helping pass the exam. By knowing and understanding what you need to do in order to get a high score, you will be a step above the others sitting for the exam.

First, make sure you know what you will be tested on. You might be surprised at the number of people that just show up to take an exam that they know nothing about. Many are just too lazy to try to figure out what they will be tested on. You should check the agency website and see if they have the subject areas on the exam listed. If not, give them a call and ask. This will help you to focus on what you should study instead of wasting time studying for things that wont be on your test.

Secondly, setup a study plan. Figure out how much time you will need for each area and spread it out over that time. Dont try to cram for the test the night before. Youll be much better off giving yourself a few weeks if at all possible.

Third, take a practice test similar to the California Civil Service Exam. Figure out what are your strong and weak areas and then spend more time studying the areas that you didnt do so well on. Track your progress. This will help you to increase your overall score.